The Role of Hardiness and Religiosity in Depression and Anger | Dr. Salvatore Maddi | IL11 MC 2002

1 year ago

1 p.m. – 1:50 p.m. Invited Templeton Foundation Lecture
IL11 Salvatore Maddi, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, University of California-Irvine

Chair - Dmitry A. Leontiev, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, Moscow State University

The Role of Hardiness and Religiosity in Depression and Anger

Conceptually, both hardiness and religiosity should decrease the likelihood of depression and anger. Both hardiness and religiosity give an abiding sense of meaning and purpose to life, despite reversals. Both contribute the courage to face obstacles and continue to function effectively nonetheless.

In testing these hypotheses, Maddi, Brow, Khoshaba and Vaitkus studied 53 senior officers in the US Army. All participants completed standard questionnaire tests of hardiness, religiosity, depression, and anger. Obtained correlations were positive between hardiness and general religiosity, and negative between each of them and depression and anger. Regression analyses showed that, indeed, hardiness and religiosity operated as alternatives to each other in protecting participants from depression and anger. But there were no combinatorial effects, suggesting that, as to the avoidance of depression and anger, hardiness makes religiosity unnecessary, and vice-versa. Useful further study would investigate the behavioral effects of the differences between hardiness and religiosity. After all, whereas religiosity achieves its effects through belief in a supernatural order, hardiness does so through belief in the human capability to find meaning. An important distinction between types of religiosity involves whether the supernatural order or God-figure is conceptualized as loving, supportive and forgiving, or in terms of the fire and brimstone of punishment and aggression. The loving religious belief should lead to similar behaviors predicted by hardiness, whereas the punitive religious belief should lead to the opposite of hardiness behaviors. The implications of these assumptions for an understanding of religiously motivated violence and terrorism will be considered.

Educational Objectives:
1) Examine the findings of research on hardiness and religiosity and their role in anger and depression.
2) Explore the distinctions between types of religiosity and their relationships to hardiness behaviours.
3) Explore religiously motivated violence and terrorism

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