The Psychology of The Trickster

2 years ago

There is perhaps no figure in literature more fascinating than the trickster, appearing in various forms in the folklore of many cultures. Trickster is witty and deceitful. He is the timeless root of all the picaresque creations of world literature, and is not reducible to one single literary entity. Trickster tales have existed since ancient times, and has been said to be at the very foundation of civilisation and culture. They belong to the oldest expressions of mankind.

Tricksters are the breakers of rules, agents of mischief, masters of deceit, and boundary crossers. He is an agent of change, and is amoral, not immoral.

Trickster is at one and the same time creator and destroyer, giver and negator, he who dupes and who is always duped himself.

Psychologically, the trickster is an archetype, part of the collective unconscious. Trickster is everywhere, he is an eternal state of mind.

The integration of the trickster archetype allows us to go from being ruled by our own self-centred ego to a new way of living, in which one has integrity and relatedness. It allows us to become aware of our true emotions, behaviours, and thoughts, that our unconscious persona is hiding, and without which there is no individuation at all.

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📚 Recommended Reading

▶ The Trickster – Paul Radin, Kerényi, and Jung
▶ Trickster Makes This World: Mischief, Myth, and Art – Lewis Hyde

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🎶 Music used

1. Relent – Kevin MacLeod
2. Air Prelude – Kevin MacLeod
3. Mysterious Ambient Background Music – The Rake – CO.AG Music
4. Smoother Move – Kevin MacLeod
5. Cryptic Sorrow – Kevin MacLeod
6. Dark Ambient Background Music – The Lost – CO.AG Music
7. Heartbreaking – Kevin MacLeod
8. Charms – Waves – Sergey Cheremisinov

Support the artists:

CO.AG Music

Sergey Cheremisinov -

Kevin MacLeod -

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


📝 Sources

- Lock, H. (2002). Transformations of the Trickster. Southern Cross Review, 18, 1-8.- Azaria, T. (2015). Trickster: Archetype of changing times. Depth Insights, 8, 29-33.
- C.G. Jung, C.W. Vol. 9 Part I: The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious
- Radin, P., Kerényi, K., & Jung, C. G. (1972). The trickster: A study in American Indian mythology (Vol. 351). Schocken.
- Hyde, L. (1997). Trickster makes this world: Mischief, myth, and art. Macmillan.
- Stefanova, A. (2012). Humour Theories and the Archetype of the Trickster in Folklore: An Analytical Psychology Point of View. Folklore (14060957), 50.
- Den Uijl, S. (2010). The trickster “archetype” in the Shahnama. Iranian Studies, 43(1), 71-90.
- Episode 092 – Trickster – This Jungian Life
- Encountering the Trickster – with David Richo Ph.D.


⌛ Timestamps

0:00 Introduction
0:45 What is The Trickster?
2:35 Primitive Form of The Trickster
3:48 Trickster and Laughter
5:50 Trickster as Agent of Change
7:35 Trickster as Creator and Destroyer
9:40 Trickster as Amoral
10:50 Trickster Figures
17:32 The Psychology of The Trickster
22:10 Trickster and Shadow
24:04 Trickster and Ego Inflation
26:15 The Trickster in Alchemy
29:08 Conclusion


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