AG Ken Paxton's Defense Continues to Show Conspiratorial Actions from Witnesses | Government Foods Leading to Hormonal Dysfunction and Gender Issues | China is Prepared to Attack U.S. with Russia and North Korea | Dr. Mark Sherwood, Roy Guo
Militant Socialists are Organized to Break Laws and Indoctrinate Children | 5G Can Activate Bioweapons in our Bodies Through Graphene Oxide Carrier | Politicians are Funneling Donations for Expensive Nepotism | Karlyn Borysenko, Sen (Ret) Ted Harvey
Biden Regime and Pro-Hamas Gen Z are Foreshadowing Jew and Christian Persecution | Texas Propositions on 2023 Ballot Will Expand Overreach, Taxation, and Corporate Fascism | Mental Illness is Overdiagnosed | Dr. Mark Sherwood
Will A Jihad Occur in the United States After Hamas Call for Day of Rage | China and Iran Are Working to Take Israel | Anti-Christian Groups Working Together to Collapse United States | Aila Wang, Alex Newman
AT&T Denies Cyberattack but Events Point to a Deeper Problem Arising | Who is Targeting the Children in the Education System | Texas Has a CCP Problem | Nate Cain, Shelley Gwartney