How Military Veterans Thrive in C-Suite Roles with Chris Palmisano

1 year ago

Behind every successful organization, there is often an exceptional individual with the skills, vision, and determination to navigate complex challenges and drive transformative growth. These individuals wield their expertise and experience to steer their organizations toward greatness. In essence, senior leadership roles represent the epitome of professional growth and responsibility, as they bear the weight of strategic decision-making, organizational direction, and the cultivation of a high-performance culture. How can military veterans thrive in C-Suite roles?

In this episode, Brett talks with Chris Palmisano. A C-Suite executive for top Fortune 500 companies, Chris talks about how military veterans thrive in C-Suite roles, the rise of the solopreneur, and what advice he gives to veterans aspiring to be CEOs.

Chris Palmisano is a C-Suite/Senior leader and growth strategist with 18+ years of success spanning operations leadership, sales, revenue operations, business development, partnership management, and cross-functional team leadership in the SaaS space. Throughout his career, he has earned recognition for scaling and leading start-up companies and held leadership positions for top Fortune 500 companies, such as Google.


In This Episode

00:56 - The importance of physical health to veteran entrepreneurs
07:13 - The impact of sleep on overall health
10:12 - Backstory of Chris Palmisano
17:08 - Why Chris decided to leave the military
20:58 - Chris' thoughts on the difference between a business owner and a CEO
29:32 - How Chris was selected for a senior leadership position
33:48 - Chris' biggest challenge as a CEO
35:58 - One of the most important lessons Chris learned from his mistakes as a CEO
38:02 - How Chris maintains good communication dynamics with the board
42:26 - Chris' advice for veterans aspiring to be CEOs

Favorite Quotes
25:01 - "With the tools available today, you can be a massive one-person business." - Chris Palmisano

25:09 - "One of the most interesting trends in the economy is the rise of the solopreneur. A one-person digital business doesn't have to hire employees. You can outsource virtually any aspect of the business that you want." - Chris Palmisano

46:12 - "The framework I like to use in solving a problem is, who do you help, how do you help them, and what's the benefit for them? If you can answer those questions and get a good answer, there will be a benefit for you." - Chris Palmisano

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