#78 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: TAKING BACK ARIZONA. . . By We The People WITH The Constitutions & A Remonstrance - Daniel Wood & Lezley Shepherd! SIGN The Notice & JOIN US On The Battlefield!
#130: Jay Valentine EXPOSES Election Fraud In Arizona - 22,000 Voters Added AFTER Oct 11th Cut Off, Mailing Of Ballots To People They Know Who Won't Vote Or Don't Exist To Use Their Ballots To Cheat & More!
#192 Arizona Election Fraud Update, Subpoenas Sent To ALL The TURDS Because They DIDN'T Take The Correct OATHS, The Unconstitutional Election Court Case & Much More | KEVIN HOYT & MICHELE SWINICK
ARIZONA REP. LIZ HARRIS: Arizona Will Be The First Domino To Fall WITH YOUR HELP + Grassroots vs GOP Rino Establishment - Decision vs Division & AZ UPDATES