In Which I Get Angry at the Caller!

11 months ago

Hi Stef,

I had a dream last night that was very strange and left me a bit shaken up. As a donor on Locals, I have seen a lot of your dream analyses and find them very insightful. I was hoping we could have one for this dream.

Just for some context, my parents have been divorced since I was around 9 or 10.

The dream starts at my dad’s house (where I spent most of my childhood). We are opening up Christmas gifts. My dad, my brother (two years younger than me), and I are in the living room and my mom is in another room (not sure which one). I’m opening up a gift from my aunt on my mom’s side (who was not present). It’s a giant coffee table book of blueprint drawings.

The drawings are of various pieces of tools and machinery from the 1930s, I remember seeing blueprints of old cars from that period as well as hunting rifles and shotguns. The book itself was about 20-30 years old.

As I’m looking through it my dad says angrily, “be careful with that! It’s old and fragile”. I told him to “stop nagging at me”. This set him off in a huge tirade. I don’t remember what he said, but I remember he was yelling and screaming. I felt like I was going to die. He eventually went into the other room where my mom was and started complaining to her. It was muffled, so I couldn’t make out what he was saying. While he was in there I started thinking about emailing Stefan and setting up a call-in. My dad walked out afterwards and stormed outside.

My mom walked out of the room she was in and into the living room. I started confronting her about being distant with my brother and I. As I did this, my brother was backing me up. My mom admitted that she has been distant, but insists that she can change. I asked why she didn’t change when my brother and I were kids. She said she made a “stupid mistake by being distant”.

Either while confronting her or afterwards, I started pacing around the room, still thinking about setting up a call-in with Stefan. I checked today’s date on my phone and saw that it was December 31st. I said, “wow I didn’t know it was New Year’s Eve”. I checked again and saw the date was actually January 13th. I said, “oh, I must have dyslexia”. I vaguely recall my mom going along with both dates and not correcting me when I said it was New Year’s Eve. (This last part is especially confusing). I woke up shortly after...

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