Samhain, A Pope Declared November 1st (the Day After Halloween) All Saints Day, When the Veil is Thinnest + Trick or Treat, People Generally Just Want Fun, They Don't Have Malicious Intent
Trick or Treat, Treats Represent the Delicacies of Satan's Kingdom, It Goes Back to Daniel the Prophet and Ancient Babylon + The Conviction of the Holy Spirit
HOPEGIRL: "We know their tricks. WBAN Obfuscation. This is what we deal with every day when trying to educate people about what has been done to them" #transhumanism #wban #sabrinawallace
Elon Musk | Jordan Peterson, "How Many Kids Do You Have Now?" Elon Musk, "12." + "It Happened to One of My Boys Where I Was Tricked Into Signing Documents for One of My Older Boys. I Lost My Son Essentially."