A Simple Magic Trick With Only Four Coins

6 years ago

Magic tricks utilizing everyday items and just your hands is, to my way of thinking, more baffling than employing fancy canisters and such. I immediately suspect that the unusual item is specially made for a specific purpose. The trick depicted in this video genuinely uses only the four coins presented, and a tiny bit of sleight-of-hand. The magician displays four coins and proceeds to place one in each hand. The remaining two coins are to be placed on the fingernails of each closed hand, but an audience member is requested to help with this, to keep the magician 'honest'. So with a coin in each hand, and another coin on top of each hand the magic is about to happen. Keeping the hands wide apart, the magician grabs with each hand and immediately opens them. In one hand, there is only one coin, while the other hand holds the remaining three. Watch the entire video to discover the working of this easy trick.

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