Michael Levine | PR Consultant of Choice for MJ, Prince, Nike, 58 Academy Winners, 34 Grammy Winners & 43 NY Times Best-sellers Shares How How He Overcome Poverty & Dyslexia + Join Tebow At Dec 5-6 Business Workshop!
Great Reset | Painful TRUTH | How Do They Get Surveillance Under Our Skin? "It's Already Working Right Now." - Todd Callender | Does the Military Actually Get Involved When There Is an Overthrow of the U.S. Government? "No."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Tools to Start Changing for Overcoming Biology Just Think About the SEX Life. If You Can Really Can Start Messing with Human Biology, What Will Be the Result of These SEXUAL Fantasies...Virtual Spouses..."
Yuval Noah Harari | In Places Like Silicon Valley Equality Is Out, But Immortality Is In. We Don't Have to Wait for the Second Coming of Christ to Overcoming Death."
CRISPR & The Transhumanism Agenda | Could There Be A Connection Between Those Two? "When Somebody Tells Me How They Are Using CRISPR to Overcome Parkinson's I Think Hmm, What Could Stalin Have Done With It?" - Yuval Noah Harari