Act in the Name of the Constitution—Overthrow the Deep State!!

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Just five days into the Trump Administration, it is clear things are moving very quickly. The content on many of these matters are mixed, but what’s obvious is that a huge transition is underway in the United States, as was just seen with President Trump’s signing of an executive order on Jan. 23 announcing “the full and complete release” of all records on the JFK assassination, to then be followed with the assassinations of Robert F. Kennedy and Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

What’s relevant about these releases is not what the documents in themselves will reveal, but the beginning of the reversal of the past 60 years of cultural and moral decay within the American population. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy, along with the Warren Commission coverup headed by such traitors as Allen Dulles and John J. McCloy had effectively demoralized the American population at the time, by telling them not to “question the official narrative.” That status quo is in the process of changing, which, taken together with the nominations of Tulsi Gabbard and Kash Patel, both of whose hearings are scheduled for next week, can effectively lift the veil off the rotten “Deep State” apparatus and the 17+ intelligence communities.

This is not guaranteed however, as the momentum to stop Gabbard from becoming Director of National Intelligence continues. So, don’t be bamboozled into being a mere spectator on this issue. You must work and get involved with the activities of the LaRouche Organization to make sure this nomination goes through.

In her address to the International Peace Coalition (IPC), Schiller Institute Chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche made the point that in Southwest Asia, a new physical geometry of great power collaboration, and a shift away from British-style geopolitics, is now possible. Zepp-LaRouche emphasized how this change can occur if nations around the world decided to support economist Lyndon LaRouche’s Oasis Plan proposal for greening the deserts and providing fresh water to the entire region:

“The Oasis Plan will only work if the large strategic parameters change—and they are about to change. And, as the British said since Sykes-Picot, this whole region has been the cockpit for geopolitical manipulation, the ‘Great Game’…. Therefore, since all the decisions made on the ground always have that strategic background, the only secure way the Oasis Plan can be realized is if the large powers agree on it. That, however, is a potential which probably has never been so close as right now. When President Trump called President Xi Jinping, they discussed, and Trump said if the United States and China work together, we can solve all the problems on the planet…. If there is an attempt to apply that principle in the Middle East, it must be now.”

We are certainly in a transition point, but such wonderful policies do not simply manifest themselves out of thin air. We must take this opportunity to act as Lyndon LaRouche has always called upon peoples of the world to act, as “historical individuals.”

Speakers: Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, Harley Schlanger, and Mike Robinson

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