Klaus Schwab: 'I Am The Person Who Provided The Club of Rome With its First Major Platform'

1 year ago

Klaus Schwab: 'I Am The Person Who Provided The Club of Rome With its First Major Platform'
Well, The British Pilgrim's Society, The Bilderberg Group and NATO Provided The Club of Rome and The World Economic Forum with their Platform. Also, a special thanks and shout out to the Rothschild's, the Rockefeller's and Heinz Henry Kissinger.
Posted August 2023
Giving Control Over the Entire Earth to the Very Same Ones Who Have Destroyed it and Caused All of Humanities Problems is Like Putting Jeffery Epstein and Jeffrey Dahmer in Charge of Protecting the Children.
They Themselves are to BLAME for all the world's ills. Yet they expect us to give absolute control over the world, that they themselves have destroyed. That is the hight of stupidity and utter insanity.
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Links Provided in thanks to AEtherEMF:
Klaus Schwab: 'I am the person who provided the .... Club of Rome ..... with its first major platform' >
The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the .... threat of global warming ...., water shortages, famine and the like would .... fit the bill. .... [= would suit our purposes] .... All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself." ¬ Club of Rome, BOOK > The First Global Revolution, 1991
The Earth has cancer and the cancer is Man.' ¬ Club of Rome, BOOK > Mankind at the Turning Point, 1975 '… the resultant ideal sustainable population is hence more than 500 million but LESS THAN ONE billion.' ¬ Club of Rome, BOOK > Goals for Mankind, 1977
‘Limits To Growth’ book author Dennis Meadows - 'I hope the depopulation will occur in a civil and peaceful way' - WEF Mastermind and Club of Rome founder, in resurfaced 2012 interview - 12Jul22 - https://silview.media/2022/07/12/i-hope-the-depopulation-will-occur-in-a-civil-and-peaceful-way-wef-mastermind-and-club-of-rome-founder-in-resurfaced-2012-interview/
The Limits to Growth, Club of Rome, 1972 > https://www.clubofrome.org/publication/the-limits-to-growth/
The Climate Emergency Plan, Club of Rome, 2018 > https://www.clubofrome.org/publication/the-climate-emergency-plan/ The
Planetary Emergency Plan, 2019 > https://www.clubofrome.org/publication/the-planetary-emergency-plan/ 1 billion depopulation target by murder repeated in published UN 1995 Global Biodiversity Assessment document following their conference.

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