Central Bank Digital Currencies | Are CBDCs Coming Soon? When Will the Chinese Style Social Credit Score System Be Implemented In the United States? Is America Sprinting Toward Programmable Money?
Central Bank Digital Currencies | Are CBDCs Coming Soon? When Will the Chinese Style Social Credit Score System Be Implemented In the United States? Is the U.S. Sprinting to Implementation of Programmable Money?
Cryptocurrency | Why Are Klaus Schwab & the World Economic Forum Pushing Cryptocurrencies? Will Programmable Private Stablecoins Be Tied to U.S. Dollar? Does "Satoshi Nakamoto" Mean "Central Intelligence" In Japanese?
Cryptocurrency | Why Are Klaus Schwab & the World Economic Forum Pushing Cryptocurrencies? Are Programmable Private Stablecoins a Trojan Horse? Does "Satoshi Nakamoto" Mean "Central Intelligence" In Japanese?
Klaus Schwab | Hydrogels In COVID Vaccines As Programmable Human Interface | "We Have to Be Prepared for a World Where We See a Fusion of Our Physical, Our Digital & Our Biological Dimensions." - Klaus Schwab (World Governments Summit 2024)
Mayor Rudy Giuliani | America's Watchman On: Michael Cohen, Banned from WABC RADIO, Unified Ledger System, Programmable CBDCs, Harrison Butker's Speech, Jared Bernstein (124 Tickets Remain for Detroit, MI June 7-8)
Mark of the Beast System | Is the W.H.O. Digital Health Certificate Coming Soon?! Mark of the Beast System | Is the W.H.O. Digital Health Certificate Coming Soon?! Is BRICS Announcing Expanded Membership & the Introduction of a Programmable Central Ba
CBDC | Why Did the President of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Neel Kashkari Say? "I Can See Why China Was Doing It If They Wanted to Monitor Everyone of Your Transactions." What Are Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies?