4 years agoTwoSun TS241 S90V Slip Joint /includes disassembly/ Super lightweight Slippy !!Luvthemknives
3 years agoRambo Last Blood Heartstopper Dietmar Pohl Design What’s the blade steel on this Hollywood Edition ?Luvthemknives
3 years agoMay Knife & Flashlight Sale See lists in description section and comments sectionLuvthemknives
3 years agoPetrified Fish PF989 in G10 and CF / includes disassembly/ great new offerings from PF !!Luvthemknives
4 years agoTwoSun TS191 Gulper / includes disassembly/ Mazwan Mokhtar design And it just keeps getting betterLuvthemknives
3 years agoSeptember Knife Sale list 1-46 in the description section and 47-114 in comment section belowLuvthemknives
2 years agoArkona Nettle 2 Ivan Braginets design fixed blade version of the Nettle folder !Luvthemknives
3 years agoPohl Force MK9 Rambo Last Blood CNC² Knife / includes disassembly / the Rambo knife you can use !!Luvthemknives
4 years agoHogue Deka vs Benchmade Bugout / Includes partial disassembly/ the new Bugout beater ?Luvthemknives