Traders Corner April 2020 / Knife Sale April 17th / Plus knife news !!

4 years ago

Traders Corner April

Upcoming knife sale: April 17th 8PM EST (April 15th for $5 & $10 Patrons)

Patreon Drawing (for $10 level Patrons) is April 20th

Join my Patreon:

LTK Sweden YouTube channel :
@ltksweden :

LTK brand Strops are now available for $48 (includes USA shipping)
(Additional cost for preloading the compound if requested)
Contact me at

10% Discount Code on WMK is: LTK
Link to White Mountain Knives Website:
Check out the Real Steel Rokot Ivan Bragnits design

Tuyaknife website Website:
Use coupon code: LTK 5% off any knife
Check out the new Blackbeard knife & the Bruiser in Micarta

Power Cutlery website for Ganzo Knives and others:
Check out the new Ganzo/Firebird FH81

My email address :
My instagram

Spreadsheet of knife testing results to date:

Knife Cutting Performance Test Results:

Massdrop Knives:
Link to Massdrop to establish an Account:

Knife sharpening service
Kevin Lewis JR
Bevel Knife Sharpening Facebook:

Knives for sale or trade

LTK’s requests
OKC Bagwell Hell’s Belle Bowie
Cold Steel L or XL Espada
Cold Steel Talwar Blue large

A Ray (keep for April)

Bark River Cub 3V Green Micarta never used kept in Sheath w/Box sheath has been treated. never used kept in Sheath with box and the Bark River warranty and lifetime sharpening and cleaning transfers with it.  $225
PayPal friends and family
US shipping only

Richard DeFelice

Money order or Venmo only, sorry I do not have Paypal account.

Hinderer XM-18 Gen 6 Tri-way Pivot 3.5 inch Spanto with the Blue/Black scales, CPM20cv, the extra pivot hardware , stonewash finish all paperwork, purchased in January 31st, 2020,  Looking for $370. Lightly used for cardboard and light carving for testing.
Hogue EX-01 4 inch with the Blueish, blackish, greenish handles with the carved gripping, 154CM Purchased 1/27/20 . Looking for $170 this is 4 inch blade. Lightly used cardboard and light carving of wood for testing and pics, stonewash finish
Possible for Sale: Spyderco Shaman carbon Fiber, s90V Sprint Run, now unavailable purchased 12/10/2019. New In box, out for pics only. Bidding stating at 365 and see how this goes, that’s why it’s a Possible Sale.

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