2 years agoHow do structures carry wind and seismic loads? An Intro to Lateral Force Resisting SystemsStructures with Prof. H
3 years agoHandstand Presses (or my version, braced with handles) & Parallel Playground Pullups with a sandbagTimothy J. Lochhead
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1 year agoEuler Buckling Load, Braced Column, Fixed-to-Fixed Supports - Structural EngineeringDrOfEng
2 years agoATF Pistol Brace Registration Amnesty: I will be your guinea pig and tell you what I learnTexas Gun Vault 2
2 years agoATF Bans Braced Pistols! [Call your Reps! This is ILLEGAL & UnConstitutional!] 🔫👮=🐷MAGA Lion HAT
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