The REAL Danger Behind ATF's Brace Rule

3 years ago

It takes literally only a few minutes. Please do it. If it doesn't affect you this go round, it might next time, and you'll sure as well want other folks helping you out.

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This will criminalize millions of law abiding citizens and yet does nothing to those who continue to willingly break the law and will continue to do so if this proposal passes. Furthermore, this is discriminatory against those with physical disabilities and an unlawful tax against those that will want to remain within the law by applying for a $200 tax stamp. You should be ashamed of yourselves....

Re: ATF 2021R-08

ATF must immediately withdraw its Proposed Rule entitled Factoring Criteria for Firearms With Attached "Stabilizing Braces."

ATF has approved the use of "a shooting support with a pistol" since at least 2006. And ATF has been approving pistol-braced firearms and pistol brace accessories for sale since at least 2012. Now, pistol-braced firearms are abundant within the firearm community.

A gun owner is sure to find them for sale at local gun stores and on the firing line at local pistol ranges.

District of Columbia v. Heller and United States v. Miller protect my individual right to keep arms-especially those in common use for lawful purposes.

ATF estimates that there are between 3,000,000 to 7,000,000 pistol braces and pistol braced firearms in circulation. However, a Congressional Research Service report recently put out a more accurate estimate that there are perhaps upwards of 40,000,000 pistol braces and pistol-braced firearms in common use.

Law enforcement should not spend their time infringing on the constitutional rights of citizens by measuring barrel lengths, overall length, and checking ATF guidance documents to figure out whether gun owners should be able to keep their legally purchased and ATF-approved pistol braces and braced firearms.

This proposed rule change is unacceptable, a violation of the statutes at hand, and a violation of my Second Amendment rights! It must be withdrawn immediately.

Remember, please keep all comments to the ATF professional and avoid profanity, otherwise the comment could be thrown out, and that doesn't help us at all.

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