1 year agoReviewing Feather Falls Dancing Trees Hefweizen #hefeweizen 🍻#FeatherFalls #hefe #heffeTower of Ruin: Ruins the Kitchen
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2 years ago"Metaphysical Martini" 05/12/2021 - The perfect martini? So kind of you to ask!Ani Avedissian's Metaphysical Martini - 2021
5 months agoDrink Along W beerandgear #140 Pueblo Vida Hef Bavarian Hefeweizen 5.0/5*Beer and Gear and things you need to hear
2 years agoFull review on YT! Miami Weiss Hefeweizen by M.I.A Beer Company @miabeerco with @theallierae at @brtheallierae
2 years agoCigar City Good Gourd Imperial Pumpkin Ale Review is now LIVE! Follow Tap That with Allie Rae for Ftheallierae
2 years ago👇 See full video review on YouTube!! @abitabeer @theallierae Follow Tap That with Allie Rae for Futheallierae
2 years agoClick 👇to see Full Video on YouTube! @abitabeer @theallierae Follow Tap That with Allie Rae for Futheallierae
5 months agoGrowler Grabs: Pueblo Vida Hef Bavarian Style HefeweizenBeer and Gear and things you need to hear
1 year agoWarming up for Oktoberfest: Weihenstephen Hefeweizen 4.75/5*Beer and Gear and things you need to hear