
Filimon Filippou

  1. Module 12 - Identity. Identify to what you have built, you!!

    Module 12 - Identity. Identify to what you have built, you!!

  2. Module 11 - Contribution, When giving opens up possibilities to receiving

    Module 11 - Contribution, When giving opens up possibilities to receiving

  3. Module 9 - Goals. Why 94% of people FAIL in achieving their Goals

    Module 9 - Goals. Why 94% of people FAIL in achieving their Goals

  4. Module 10 - Planning. How your Planning gets in the way of your Doing!

    Module 10 - Planning. How your Planning gets in the way of your Doing!

  5. Module 8 - Finances. Gossip is the currency of the poor!

    Module 8 - Finances. Gossip is the currency of the poor!

  6. Module 7 - Environment. If you hang around morons, You're most likely a moron!

    Module 7 - Environment. If you hang around morons, You're most likely a moron!

  7. Module 6 - Relationships. The webs of life. How good are yours?

    Module 6 - Relationships. The webs of life. How good are yours?

  8. Module 3 - Behaviours. The best way to stop behaving from confusion & get clarity!

    Module 3 - Behaviours. The best way to stop behaving from confusion & get clarity!

  9. Module 2 - Beliefs . The bullshit we tell ourselves, about ourselves

    Module 2 - Beliefs . The bullshit we tell ourselves, about ourselves

  10. Are you giving up, or embracing your unique self?

    Are you giving up, or embracing your unique self?

  11. Jump into the slipstream of life and let it happen!

    Jump into the slipstream of life and let it happen!

  12. How to create an Identity through your Self, not identity with the voices in your head!

    How to create an Identity through your Self, not identity with the voices in your head!

  13. 4 ways your car shows how you're living an empty life

    4 ways your car shows how you're living an empty life

  14. The Souls Share - Courageously remove years off your life

    The Souls Share - Courageously remove years off your life
