4 ways your car shows how you're living an empty life

2 years ago

This video shows that by simply observing your behaviours around how you fill your fuel tank reflects how you could be living a half-empty life.

If you don't drive and feel this video is irrelevant, it applies to anything that needs filling or charging, whether it be your phone, laptop, or even your electric vehicle. The connections apply to many things.

The 4 reasons to keep your vehicles fuel tank (or devices) from going below half-full are;
1. Eliminate frustrations and being energetically knocked about
2. Time. Manage your time rather than being managed by it.
3. Spend less money by managing it in lighter chunks.
4. Be at cause in life with a half-full attitude rather than at the effect of a half-empty existence.

#FilimonFilippou #BuiltBetterProject #builtbetterproject

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