2 years ago11:11 GATEWAY Quantum AKASHIC RECORDS Transmission * STARSEEDS * BLUE RAYS & 144000AlohaPinkBella888
2 years agoThe Holy of Holies & 144,000 & the Feasts.The 2 Witnesses & Gods image in DNA. Four squared & CubedGreatSermonsZadokProductions
3 months ago144000 KEY Codes * 528 HZ DNA Repair * Arcturian Transmission for 8:8 Lion's GateAlohaPinkBella888
1 year agoThe EMERALD ORDER PT 2 ** Andromeda * Orion * Vega * Blue Rays * 144000 * AbundanceAlohaPinkBella888
2 years ago5/5 Portal & Eclipse Season Energy! * Starseeds * Blue Rays * Twin Flames * Soul Flames * 144000AlohaPinkBella888
2 years agoQUANTUM TIMELINE SHIFT! * Jupiter Conjuct Neptune! * Starseeds * 144000 * Twin FlamesAlohaPinkBella888
29 days agoDie Feuertaufe der 144000 und das Ertönen der 1. Posaune, das erste Posaunengericht über die Erde!Der Tag des Zorns und die Wiederkunft Jesu Christi
3 years agoSealing of the 144000 - Why are the tribes of Dan and Ephraim not mentioned?72+ Harvest Workers and their Embassies of Heaven
2 years agoTrain the Trainer - 144000 and the Island(s)72+ Harvest Workers and their Embassies of Heaven
2 years ago144000 in Prison - A vision from the Lord72+ Harvest Workers and their Embassies of Heaven