2020-10-20 ● 144000 ¤ 12 Tribes Revealed in Rachel, Leah & Ruth

3 years ago

Who are the 144000? https://youtu.be/5PV-OS0y6Qw - VIDEO: Who are the 144,000? - Explained in 6 Minutes Dec 31, 2017
Notes on Page 14: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-8E... - NOTES: 144000
144000 Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... - PLAYLIST: 144000
Redeem the Bride, Buy the Land: https://youtu.be/6SudMnQeBmg - VIDEO: Buy the Field, Redeem the Bride, Show the Pattern Aug 4, 2020
CORRECTION: Zilpah is also Gentile hand maiden in Gen 29:24 even more proving the Gentile story! Also forgot to mention but it's in the Notes, the "last shall be first."
After firstborn Judah and Reuben, the rest go by Zilpah, Bilhah which are last in Gen 35 but first in Rev 7.
If you struggle with a concept it's best to see it for yourself. Goto biblegateway.com search "first last" and read each parable in the gospels. Christ will show the meaning.

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