🔴 Germany is not interested in Gripen ! more interested in choosing the F-35 stealth aircraft. why ❗

2 years ago

Germany is not interested in Gripen ! more interested in choosing the F-35 stealth aircraft. why ❗

Why Germany chose US-made stealth fighters.

Germany wants to upgrade its army with the most modern fighters in the world. The order is worth billions. But is it perfect?

The F-35 is a state-of-the-art stealth bomber that the German Air Force has long coveted.

The F-35 Lightning II is considered the most modern fighter in the world. Jets manufactured by US manufacturer Lockheed Martin are considered more than just fighters. It's essentially an armed computer with a jet engine that networks with other aircraft and ground forces in the air to process thousands of information per second.

But is it the right jet for the Bundeswehr? Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD) announced on Monday that it would like to buy 35 jets to replace the Tornado fighter that Germany commissioned more than 40 years ago. It can carry an American nuclear bomb to the target, similar to the F-35.

"There is a military reason to support the F-35," said Rafael Ross, a security expert at the think tank's European Foreign Relations Council. "If you have to deliver a nuclear bomb, it's better to do it on a stealth aircraft than on an aircraft that doesn't have that capability," he told DW. “We need the ability to lower the radar's characteristics and detect and engage targets over long distances. The F-35 outperforms any other aerial combat system currently on the market.

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