The Self Illuminates Itself: Pointing Inwards Toward Self-Realization

2 years ago

The Self illuminates itself. In this video, a distinction is made between the "self" in self-help/improvement, etc...and the "Self" in Self-Realization. Also, there's advice for those who "witness the diamond". Inquire into the source of your "I"/"me" thoughts, and allow the dust of the concepts to settle. Only with sincerity (and by grace), does one gaze through a clear mirror - as the self-luminous Pure Consciousness one already was/is/will always be. We are That!

#selfilluminatesitself, #theseekeristhesought, #advaitavedantapointingsinward, #selfluminousconsciousness, #sharingfromtheheart #yourmindisamirror

The Self - when captivated by it's reflection in a mind of accumulated knowledge/experience, it conceptualizes to confirm it's existence (as an individual "self" body-mind-ego/persona). And with a true desire to know thyself, all concepts and ideas of the reflected "self" are set aside (through inquiry, contemplation & meditation), then the illumination of the vast nothingness of one's true nature, is enlightenment.

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