How to use Massage Gun attachments | Where to use massage gun head | Massage gun heads Tutorial

3 years ago

How to use Massage Gun attachments | Where to use massage gun head | Massage gun heads Tutorial

And if you don't own one but want one here are Adam's top 3 massage gun recommendations:
~C2 Mini Massage Gun -
~T2 Massage Gun -
~Hypervolt Massage Gun -

Learn which massage gun attachments to use on which part of your body. Take a moment to learn with Adam Cardona, Licensed Massage Therapist on how to use a massage gun on your body. Get more specific on the details with this quick explainer to help you get better with the massage gun heads.

If you are in New York City and want to schedule a sports massage or medical massage appointment then click the link below to schedule:

~Our website:

Check out everything shown here plus more on LinkTree -

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00:00:00 Start
00:00:04 The flathead attachment
00:00:13 Regarding Variants
00:00:20 Flathead attachment’s purpose
00:00:30 Warm Up go to
00:00:52 Ball head attachment
00:01:02 Uses
00:01:16 Great for knots
00:01:27 Other areas of coverage
00:01:38 Shovel attachment
00:01:48 Shovel uses
00:01:53 A Hearty Example
00:02:14 The Bullet attachment
00:02:20 Uses
00:02:27 Personal Precision Preferences
00:02:57 The Horseshoe attachment
00:03:04 Why it can destroy you
00:03:20 The worst possible outcome is…
00:03:28 Best use for horseshoe piece is to toss it

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