KETO/Carnivore/Fasting Q&A c Dr Ken & NeishaLovesIt

3 years ago

Got Keto/Carnivore/Fasting Questions?? We are here for you.
Invite a friend and let’s talk about the Proper Human Diet!!
Low-carb, Keto, Ketovore, & Carnivore consisting of real, whole foods are the Proper Human Diet spectrum.

Dr Berry's Website:
💟MINERAL /Electrolyte Drops:

Neisha's Youtube/Blog


Hate Liver? LIVER Supplement: (Discount code = KENTEN)
Eat REAL Meat:

Redmond’s Re-Lyte electrolytes; Discount code: DRBERRY

Redmond’s Bundles 💎 salt rocks promo code DRBERRY

Electrolyte Drops

🧖🏻‍♀‍Beauty bundle
🧂Big salt bundle (Neisha)
🧂Small salt bundle (Dr B)😎

Carnivore Crisps: (discount code: BERRY)

Awesome Coffee: (discount)

0:00 KETO, Carnivore, Fasting Q & A
3:15 How to lower your triglycerides
4:27 Is tart cherry juice good for gout
5:10 Are collagen powders good for you
5:50 What is bulletproof coffee
7:02 Is fasting safe if you have Hashimoto's disease
8:25 Does Carnivore cause constipation
9:40 What causes in-satiation
10:09 How to transition from SAD to Keto if breastfeeding
13:35 Is Re-Lyte drink mix good for Keto
13:49 What do nail ridges in Keto mean
15:21 How should candida be treated
16:02 How do I deal with Keto stomach side effects
16:47 Does Keto help with heel spur
17:58 Is Insulinoma hereditary
19:39 How do I lower blood pressure
20:16 Will Ozempic assist my Keto weight loss
21:12 Does Carnivore help fix IBS
22:06 Will NMN supplements increase risk of tumor becoming cancerous
22:48 Does Keto cause constant fatigue
23:50 Which meat is best for Carnivore
24:16 What effects does IV contrast have especially on Carnivore
24:33 What are the risks of Lugol’s Iodine
25:46 How do I start Keto
27:54 How to help fix sleeping problems
31:15 Does Carnivore help fix Orthostatic Hypertension
32:54 Does Keto help heal Barrett’s esophagus
33:33 Is Keto good for MS
34:37 Is Keto good for people with no gallbladder
35:22 Does Keto help fix Myalgic encephalomyelitis
37:25 Are avocados good for Keto
37:33 Which kinds of fish are good for Keto diet
38:22 Does Endermologie treatment work
39:08 What’s the best MACROS ratio for Keto
40:08 Is wagyu beef better than grass fed beef
41:41 What can I do to help fix UTI
41:55 Is it safe to eat raw egg yolk
42:32 Is Keto good for an underweight person
43:27 How can I help save my gallbladder using Keto
44:55 What is Ted Naiman's high-protein in Keto
45:57 Is it okay for 80 year old people to fast
46:38 Will Carnivore worsen the frequency of gallbladder attacks
47:13 Does Carnivore help with period loss
48:22 What is the upper end for an extended fasting period
48:59 Can smoking inhibit my weight loss
49:32 Does Carnivore help rid blood clot
50:53 What to do when you want to speed up weight loss
52:30 What to eat if you have major food aversions to meat
54:17 New FDA approved drug for Alzheimer's Dementia
54:50 Neisha’s podcast coming soon
55:49 What to eat when you have low iron
58:04 What is adaptive glucose refusal
58:50 How to get rid of estrogen positive cancer on an aromatase inhibitor
59:50 Keto video about Keratosis Pilaris

Disclaimer: Dr. Berry does not diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical conditions online; instead, he helps people better understand their health and ways to avoid health problems and promote wellbeing. Make sure you are working with YOUR provider to monitor your health and medications.
These posts and videos are not designed to and do not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services to you or to any other individual.

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