Can a massage gun reduce scar tissue? | Massage gun for reducing and eliminating scars

3 years ago

Can a massage gun reduce scar tissue? | Massage gun for reducing and eliminating scars Elite Healers Sports Massage NYC

And if you don't own one but want one here are Adam's top 3 massage gun recommendations:
~C2 Mini Massage Gun -
~T2 Massage Gun -
~Hypervolt Massage Gun -

If you have scar tissue then take one minute to learn if and how a massage gun can help you manage your scar tissue. If this is your first video that you are watching then welcome and please check out our playlist which will answer specific questions on how to use a massage gun. Get all your massage gun questions answered by tuning in and letting Adam Cardona LMT teach you how to safely and effectively use your massage gun,

If you are in New York City and want to schedule a sports massage or medical massage appointment then click the link below to schedule:

~Our website:

Check out everything shown here plus more on LinkTree -

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