Embrace Grace: A Loving Ministry for Unplanned Pregnancies with Guest Amy Ford

3 years ago

When Amy Ford, who was a Christian, unmarried 19-year-old, found out she was pregnant, she panicked and scheduled an abortion. As the medical provider was describing the procedure, Amy literally fainted. On today’s edition of Family Talk, you’ll discover that she ultimately chose life for her son, and in turn founded “Embrace Grace,” a network of support groups in 700 churches in 47 states that empowers women to choose life. In Amy’s book, Help Her Be Brave, she shares tips on how and why the Church can be the first place a young woman turns to when she faces a crisis pregnancy.

About Today's Guest: Amy Ford
Amy Ford is the co-founder and president of Embrace Grace, a non-profit ministry that inspires and equips the church to open their arms to young women with unplanned pregnancies. She is also the author of Help Her Be Brave: Discover Your Place in the Pro-Life Movement. Amy speaks nationally to various audiences, including women’s ministry events, pro-life and adoption conferences, and church leadership equipping and pregnancy center benefits. Amy is married to Ryan, and they have four children.

Resources Mentioned:
"Help Her Be Brave: Discover Your Place in the Pro-Life Movement" book by Amy Ford

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