Horrible, Sloppy off-day: 155 Kgs x 8 Deadlift New Rep PR

3 years ago

I decided to give it a go at horizontal filming for deads.
I had a really bad night of sleep, and my schedule was messed up due to having other matters to attend to. I probably should have just cut my losses, and taken the day off, so I couls have done this more fresh and better rested, and at a more optimal time, but I went for it, anyway. My form and cues felt really off today, and I just couldn't get my muscles, especially ny legs to fire properly. Most likely from the aforementioned factors. I was really hoping to get ten reps, but the weight felt pretty heavy, and I gassed out. My lower back was also feeling pretty funky and agitated on the last few reps, so my strength got completely shot. Despite all of that, I still got a new rep pr for this weight, so that is something, at least. Hopefully my lower back will recover quickly, and I will be back to a better state after resting up.

Song: "Dom/Hollow: Official Live 101 Proof" - Pantera

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Bitchute: Liber_Primus



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