MZTV 812 - 10/11/2021: 70 AD A Microcosm of a Much Greater Judgment

2 years ago

A religious group known as "Preterists" believe that the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, prophesied by our Lord before His death, was in fact the Tribulation seen by John. One has to wonder how anyone could read of the phenomenal judgments in the book of Revelation and relate it to the army of Rome sacking Jerusalem and destroying the temple. But, in fact, that judgment was a harbinger of a greater judgment to come.

40 years after the crucifixion of Christ, destruction came upon the nation that rejected Christ. Likewise, at the end of this eon, a greater destruction will come upon an entire world that, though it is suffused with religion, does not know God.
Martin's homepage:

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