MZTV 768 - 08/10/2021: Just What Are We Supposed to DO?

3 years ago

In a video I recently made I said that, instead of wrestling with our flesh, we ought to "tend to Christ." But how exactly does one tend to Christ? The Savior of the World has not shown up in a couple thousand years.

This is a good question. That we are not required to do battle with our fleshly inclinations makes some people nervous, In fact, the grace of God makes a LOT of people nervous. It just doesn't seem right to them to "not do anything" toward one's own salvation and "sanctification."

Well, here is the answer. Here are five things that you can DO which will, at the same time (this will sound ironic, I know), keep you from DOING anything to battle what Jesus Christ already put to death: the old humanity.
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