MZTV 744 - 07/08/2021: All Porn is G*y Porn? Part 2

2 years ago

Our fellow believers Matthew Holland and Michael Knotts are on an anti-masturbation campaign and an anti-don't-look-at-beautiful-women-or-basically-any-woman campaign. But this is not all.

Since Matthew has had problems with pornography in the past, he assumes that everyone must have a problem with pornography, and therefore EVERYONE must stop looking at pornography. Why? Because HE stopped looking at it. If men don't follow Matthew's lead, they will stunt their spiritual maturity here on earth and forfeit rewards at the dais of Christ. Why? How? Because, according to Matthew Holland, "Whacking off is gross."

So there you have it! My question is: What about women? This consideration was not clearly addressed in the anti-masturbation video that was deceptively titled, "Justified and Sealed—Now What?" but that should have been titled, "Masturbation is Gross So Stop It, Cuck."

Are woman also compromising their spiritual walks and forfeiting peace in Christ? (For after all, this is the price to be paid for pleasing yourself—according to Mr. Holland: a compromised spiritual walk and no peace in Christ.) Or is it men only who doom themselves to second-class status at the dais? Is it only disgusting and gross (and spiritually compromising) to manually move the PENIS up and down and up and down, or are women also wrecking THEIR spiritual lives when they flick the clitoris to and fro and to and fro? Is Mr. Holland an equal-opportunity condemner?

Many a woman's peace in Christ is at stake, and so women everywhere (even female body of Christ members have been know to flick the clitoris to and fro—or so go the rumors) need to know the answer to this important question. What if the snatching away occurs while a female member of the body of Christ is flicking her clitoris? Help!
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