MZTV 738 - 06/30/2021: Sinner's Prayer Nightmare

3 years ago

To keep sinners needing them, the Christian religion keeps its penitents bogged down in the problem of sin and death. Being the self-appointed dispensers of "what it takes" to get on God's side and stay there, evil Christian leaders—few of whom actually believe they are evil—withhold the GOD-APPOINTED solution to sin and death, which is the death, entombment, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Few of these so-called "good-newsers" withhold the solution on purpose, as few even realize the solution themselves.

Standard Christian "evangelists" camp on the condemnation side of Romans (chapters 1:8-3:20), never venturing forth into Romans 3:21 through the end of chapter 8. Why? Because these consequential chapters negate human effort while extolling the virtues of Christ. The negation of human effort is the death knell to those PRESCRIBING human effort. Those making their living holding narrow hoops through which "heaven hopefuls" must jump, cannot even imagine a scenario in which Christ does EVERYTHING.

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