MZTV 705 - 05/13/2021: "Jesus, Why Didn't You Save Me When You Had the Chance?"

3 years ago

The poor, innocent lady in this video just wanted to know where she was going to spend eternity. Naturally, she picked up a Christian tract titled, "Where Are You Going Spend Eternity?" Being hopeful, she opened it. On page one, she read that Jesus Christ "paid the penalty" for her sins. How happy she was!

Her happiness bubbled over when she read further that Jesus Christ "paid COMPLETELY" for her eternal dwelling place in heaven. She was so full of joy that she did jumping jacks in her kitchen—and she didn't even know how to do jumping jacks.

But wait! Reading further, this unsuspecting victim of Christian hypocrisy discovered that the gift of Jesus paying completely for her sins was "of no value" unless she could "COMPLETELY trust in Jesus." Horrors! This was the worst contradiction she'd every read. Did Jesus Christ pay for her sins COMPLETELY, or was she still a doomed sinner bound for hell (even AFTER Jesus Christ supposedly saved her completely) unless SHE did something completely?

This tormented our poor innocent soul, because she could not be completely sure that she had worked up COMPLETE trust in Jesus.This discovery that Jesus had left her fate COMPLETELY up to her, even after COMPLETELY (supposedly) taking care of her sins (she did not realize at the time that this was standard-issue false Christian advertising)—well, this unhappy discovery caused her to bang her head against the wall, smoke three cigarettes at once, and drink lots of brandy.

How does this sad tale end? It ends with our heroine (or is it our victim?) asking Jesus the most important question that anyone hoping for salvation from their sins could ask: "Jesus, why didn't you save me when You had the chance?"
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