MZTV 597 - 12/23/2020: The "Gospel" That is Already Destroyed, Part 12

3 years ago

Thomas Kissinger states in an anathema video (one that illicitly mixes the two gospels) that those who are justified in Christ (that is, declared to be righteous by God) will still hear the dreaded words FROM Christ, "Depart from Me, workers of lawlessness"—unless they follow Kissinger's (and Stephen E. Jones') prescribed remedy. What is this so-called remedy? Embark upon a "process of sanctification," i.e. a process of works, and finish what Christ merely started.

Millions believe this lie that, today, is preached by the same types who tricked the Galatians in Paul's day into abandoning pure grace and attempting to earn their salvation by somehow making themselves holy.
Martin's homepage:

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