MZTV 484 - 07/28/2020: The Most Unknown Truth in Scripture

2 years ago

The most unknown truth in Scripture is not the salvation of all—as unknown a truth as that is. The most unknown truth, even among some members of the body of Christ, is that Christ has dealt a deathblow to the old humanity, and thus to death itself, and that we are therefore no longer obligated to slave over and worry about our flesh.

Many religious people attempt to eradicate sin from their lives, even while leaving the core problem—death—untouched. What these people don't realize is that the battle against sin is just as hopeless—for run-of-the-mill humans—as the battle against death. Yet sin and death are not sold separately. Only ONE has been able to conquer death, and thus sin, and it is our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is Him to Whom we ought to be attending, not to our flesh.
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