MZTV 480 - 07/22/2020: Only Paul Announces That Sin Has Been Pulled Up By the Root

3 years ago

Israel is still fighting sin—and so is Christianity because they are all a bunch of wannabe Israelites. That the old humanity has been crucified is, surprisingly, not a message ever given to Israel. Not so the body of Christ. To us of the nations has been revealed—by Paul—the deepest truths of the cross: the old humanity is dead. Thus, we can now live in newness of life. The best that Israel can get is pardon. Sin and pardon go hand-in-hand. On the other hand, God looks at US as not even being sinners. Pardon (or forgiveness; same thing) is impossible to one who has been declared righteous. After all, if you're not guilty, then what is there to be pardoned from?
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