MZTV 473 - 07/13/2020: Fighting Sin By Not Fighting It

3 years ago

ne would think that the best way to fight Sin would be to fight Sin. But no. This only makes matters worse because God designed human flesh to resist all attempts at direct management. He did this so that He could introduce and new and better way to fight Sin: spirit.

Jesus Christ already conquered Sin at the cross. The only thing left for us members of the body of Christ to do is to take our attention away from Sin (I'm not talking about specific acts here, but the thing itself; the reality of failure; Sin personified) and focus it instead on the One Who conquered Sin (Christ) on our behalf and Who now declares us to be righteousness.

You may imagine that ignoring Sin will only make it worse. Nope. According to Paul in Romans, chapter 6, it's the only way to make it better. How? Because you're no longer focused on yourself, but on Christ. You no longer focus on what you think you are, but what Christ SAYS you are. This is life-changing truth that none of us ever heard in church.
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