MZTV 461 - 06/25/2020: Romans 10: Let's Get On With It, People

3 years ago

It's fashionable today—as it was in Paul's day and even in the days of Moses—to be constantly seeking for truth but not finding it. This is not a true seeking, but rather a stall tactic. Seeking forestalls settling, and settling is the thing to be avoided.

Settling upon truth establishes a person IN the truth, but many humans wish to avoid labels such as "adamant" or "uncompromising" or "fixed," because of the negative connotations associated with these terms. The trauma probably began during childhood while suffering under the religious (and thus misguided) rules and regulations of parents. Many have grown up under religious persecution (any adherence to a denominational religion is basically religious persecution), and so they come to associate Bible teaching in general as "rigid" and "unyielding." The problem then arises when, as an adult, such individuals encounter the ACTUAL truth (found in the Scriptures, which they inherently distrust due to the early trauma) and refuse to settle on it, for fear of becoming rigid like their parents. Because of the early trauma, such individuals conflate "being assured in the faith" with "religious rigidity" and so they will adopt eternal "seeker" status, again, not because they are actually seeking, but that seeking is a convenient (and socially acceptable way) to avoid finding.

Paul exhorts the Romans OUT of this debilitating mindset in chapter 10 of the letter addressed to them. May he do the same for us.
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