When Family Disappoints - Part 2 with Guest Dr. Sharon May

3 years ago

God created families to be a safe haven from a dangerous world. But oftentimes, our families themselves are the source of emotional danger. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. Sharon May explains that we all experience family disappointments on some level. If it’s not addressed, that pain and anguish can lead to greater discouragement. That, in turn, can lead to depression, estrangement or even despair. As time passes, even as mature adults, we can feel lost and unseen in our families, which can prompt angry outbursts. Unless there’s abuse, Dr. May counsels against cutting off family members. In every situation, she recommends open communication and healthy boundaries.

About Today's Guest: Dr. Sharon May
Dr. Sharon May is founder and president of the Safe Haven Relationship Counseling Center. She received a Ph.D. in marriage and family therapy, and a master's degree in theology from Fuller Graduate School of Theology. Her dissertation and consequent research work has focused on emotionally focused therapy, attachment theory and the importance of healthy and strong marriage and family relationships being “safe havens.” Dr. May is an adjunct professor at Azusa Pacific University, and is the author of two books, "Safe Haven Marriage" and "How to Argue So Your Spouse Will Listen." Dr. May and her husband, Mike, reside in Carlsbad, California.

Resources Mentioned:
Safe Haven Relationship Center - https://www.safehavenrelationshipcenter.com/

For more information and to connect with all resources mentioned – http://drjamesdobson.org/broadcast/2022-02-10

Family Talk Station Finder – http://bit.ly/FYT_StationFinder


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