MZTV 454 - 06/16/2020: Here Comes Free Will Again, Part 2

3 years ago

Some Christians and even some believers think that, in order to have a legitimate love relationship with God, the love of the human must be unforced. For how could God be pleased with a love that He, Himself put inside a person? Wouldn't such love be a sham? The apostle Paul encountered similar protestations in Romans 9:19, when those would couldn't figure out how God could still judge people whom He, Himself hardened, protested to Paul, "Why is He still blaming? For Who has withstood His intention?"

The protestations today are the same in essence as the protestations then, except instead of, "Why is God blaming people Whom He made hard?" the protest today is, "Why is God rewarding/loving people in Whom He put the love?" As I said, it's the same protest. It seems to both sets of protestors that God is playing ping-pong with Himself and that the human with whom God is dealing necessarily disappears. They only way that such protestors can grasp any action of God either for or against a human, is if the human has a degree of independence from the Deity.

Here is the critical mistake. For the protestors with whom I am dealing, this is a mistake compounded upon an audacity. At least the protestor of Romans 9:19 accepted the premise that all is out of God. This is more than can be said of the protestors today, who deny that truth. In order to preserve what makes sense to THEM, they have discarded "no one has withstood His intention" for an element of freedom which miraculously allows the human (them in particular) to love God independently of God Himself putting the love in them. Remarkable! Thus, the protestors of today are actually worse than those of Romans 9:19, for they have discarded Paul's main premise.

The common denominator between all these presumptuous individuals is the misguided nerve to question and call into doubt the very way God operates. All protestors have succumbed to the human philosophy of, "The way God says He does things doesn't make sense to us, therefore it can't be." Oops. The protestors with whom I am dealing adjust the truth (change it into a lie) to suit their objection (thus pitting their wisdom against God's and actually finding their wisdom to be superior), on top of the primary sin of questioning God at all. The answer of Paul to both sets of protestors is, "Who are you, O human, to answer again to God?"

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