MZTV 453 - 06/15/2020: Here Comes Free Will Again, Part 1

3 years ago

It would be wrong for human beings to control other human beings in order to cause them to love. Or to cause them to do anything. Since this is wrong among humans, then some people assume that it would be wrong for God as well—notwithstanding the fact that 1) God is spirit, 2) spirit animates everything, and 3) God therefore operates all in accord with the counsel of His own will (Ephesians 1:11). Those who insist, to any degree, that God leaves His hands off of creation in order to give human beings some "wiggle room" of creative freedom so that the humans might offer Him gifts (of faith, of devotion, of obedience, of love, etc.), are ignorant of the power, the majesty, the omniscience, the omnipresence, and the very glory of the Deity. Other than that...
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