MZTV 452 - 06/12/2020: God Not Only Creates Everything, He Keeps It All Going

3 years ago

It is believed by some that, while God has surely created everything, He leaves certain swaths of human activity free of His power and influence. He is the God of physical creation, but not necessarily of the movement and thought OF the creation, for that would be rude of Him. How dare He impose His will on everyone. Those embracing this teaching call it "limited free will." The word "free" means "not under the control or power of another," while the word "limited," in this context, means "restricted in power." The definition of "limited free will," then, is "restricted unrestricted power." Those holding to the concept of "a little bit pregnant" will recognize the phenomenon immediately, for it makes precisely as much sense. The theory requires a denial of the omnipresence of God, but this is a small price to pay for the shiny pearl of human independence from the so-called "Almighty."
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