Another Complete Bust AGAIN! Roulette is ALL Luck and NO Skill!

3 years ago

Betonline Complaints:

CEG Dealer School link on "how to play Roulette":

Brian Dempsey's YouTube Channel on "How I Bet When I Gamble":

Spencer Cornelia's YT Channel Exposing Fake Casino Gurus: (The Self Proclaimed "GOAT" Exposed)

Why Shiny Object Syndrome Is Hurting Your Chances Of Success:

I was up $30 going into yesterdays session but unfortunately the Roulette wheel is volatile and unpredictable. There is no skill in this game of chance no matter what others will tell you.

At least with my channel you see the good, the bad and the ugly. I hide nothing from my viewers. No one wins every day and if they claim they do it's bc they are lying. Have them show you the history of their online casino account like I do and you will see what I am talking about. They don't dare to and you want to know why? Simply because the truth will be revealed that they are lying.

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