Authentic Soup Beans – Natures Meat Substitute – ONLY Pennies a Pound – The Hillbilly Kitchen

2 years ago

Pinto beans are very high in protein and cooking them in cast iron makes them high in iron, which makes them a natural, healthy, inexpensive substitute for red meat. As a bonus they are easy to store, lasting for years; easy to cook, no skill or special equipment is needed; and they taste like home, they are the first comfort food.

There was a time when every home had a pot of beans simmering on the stove. In good times and bad soup beans provide a warm comforting healthy meal. They are a comfort food that you can feel good about eating.

Soup beans are the food that saved our ancestors from starvation, and they are much tastier than any of that outrageously expensive emergency food. Make sure you have a bag of pinto beans in your pantry.

Put God First!!! 😊

16 ounce (2 cups) Dried Pinto Beans
Salt & Pepper
Fatback, Salt Pork, Bacon or Bacon Grease
Options: Chopped Onions

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Business inquires:
The Hillbilly Kitchen
P.O. Box 243
New Tazewell, TN 37824

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