Who Switched the Labels? Clarifying the Pro-Life Message with Guest Scott Klusendorf

3 years ago

According to Scott Klusendorf, the term “pro-life” is being redefined and changed in front of our very eyes, both in and outside the church. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Scott, who is president of Life Training Institute, shares with college students the importance of clarifying what’s at stake within the pro-life message and the crystal clear difference between right and wrong.

About Today's Guest: Scott Klusendorf
Scott Klusendorf is president of Life Training Institute, where he trains pro-life advocates to persuasively defend their views. He is the author of "The Case for Life" and co-author of "Stand for Life." Scott's pro-life presentations have been featured on "Faith Under Fire," "Truths That Transform," and "American Family Radio." He has also published articles on pro-life apologetics in The Christian Research Journal, Clear Thinking, and The Conservative Theological Journal. Scott is a graduate of UCLA and holds a master’s degree in Christian apologetics from Biola University. He is married to Stephanie, and they have four children.

Resources Mentioned:
Life Training Institute - https://prolifetraining.com/

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