The Seven Laws of Reality Series: The Principle of Rhythm or Cyclicity #shorts

3 years ago

The Principle of Rhythm or Cyclicity is connected to the Principle of Polarity described in the previous chapter and it usually manifests between the two poles described therein. The swing of Rhythm is not necessarily to the extreme poles, but simply toward first one pole and then the opposite one in varying levels and degrees.
This Principle embodies the truth that everything in the physical, mental and spiritual plane expresses itself in rhythm from action to reaction, from activity to inactivity with a to-and-from movement, a flow and inflow, out and in, a swing forward and backward, an advance and a retreat, a rising and a sinking, a giving and a receiving. The very essence of the play of Reality itself is always a spontaneous outpouring and an in drawing of energy and manifestation.

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