ELTV: She was shot in the head, and left for dead : A Powerful True story!

3 years ago

In October of 1992, 18 year old Misty Wright was out on a date with her new boyfriend. They went to a haunted house and had a fun evening. She was also looking forward to going to college with a scholarship she received. After leaving her boyfriend that evening, she went to a local Burger King, went thru the drive up and got a soda, then parked by a pay phone, and called her boyfriend. 18 year old, Keith Blackburn who was strung out on LSD, a satan worshipper, and gang member, was looking for a getaway car, after planning to rob a local store. He spotted Misty on the pay phone, her car, and the keys in the ignition. He put a gun to her face, and shot her, leaving her lying on the ground for dead in her own blood. hear the complete story on this episode of ELTV.

Website to their book, Face to Face, our story of Crime, Repentance and Forgiveness.


Face to Face: Our Story of Crime, Repentance, and Forgiveness tells the story of Misty Wright (Wallace) and Keith Blackburn, and in the process explores the intersection of repentance and forgiveness. It will appeal to all readers who enjoy an interesting read about hurt, struggle, and redemption. Its true story with all the conflict, emotion, and action of a good novel will appeal to readers of non-fiction and fiction alike.

Face to Face, Our Story of Crime, Repentance & Forgiveness by Misty Wallace & Keith Blackburn

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