How to Remove a Mobile Home Bathtub Faucet

3 years ago

Phil shows you how to remove a mobile home faucet and shower head. This is a part of a complete renovation and remodel of a mobile home bathroom.

We walk you step-by-step through all the various parts and how they work together. He covers how you could change out for a house type faucet; what you'd need to fix.

00:00 Follow along with a handyman
00:25 Need to take the tub faucet off
00:45 Going to the next room to disconnect the shower head and faucet
00:55 Pull of the access panels or sheet of drywall
01:25 The nut for your mobile home shower head
02:30 Pulling lower panel off for the tub faucet
02:58 Close up of the plumbing
03:20 It's out, you can use a different faucet, but if you don't replace the tub surround you need to deal with the holes
03:45 The way the faucet is held on
04:10 How it fastens to the shower head
04:45 All what you call quest fittings
05:00 When he rebuilds the tub and replaces tub surround, would use a house type faucet
05:47 Be an American not an American't

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