The Path Out of Loneliness - Part 2 with Guest Dr. Mark Mayfield

3 years ago

Loneliness has reached epidemic proportions. We have lost the art of connection and relationship, and it’s hurting us. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. Tim Clinton and his guest, Dr. Mark Mayfield, continue discussing Mark’s book, "The Path Out of Loneliness." He reveals that we can trace the pain of loneliness back to original sin, which separated our first parents, Adam and Eve, from our Creator. Thankfully, God’s sovereign plan to redeem us through Christ’s death is the key to our restored relationship with Him. Indeed, our Heavenly Father has not only relentlessly pursued a relationship with us, but He wants us to be Heaven’s salve in a wounded world of broken people.

About Today's Guest: Dr. Mark Mayfield
Dr. Mark Mayfield is a licensed professional counselor (LPC), board-certified counselor, and founder and CEO of Mayfield Counseling Centers. He is also a former pastor. He has more than 14 years of professional counseling experience, treating anxiety, depression, PTSD, substance abuse, domestic violence, self-injury, and suicide. Dr. Mayfield is passionate about the integration of faith and mental health, and equipping pastors and leaders to be frontline mental and emotional health caregivers. He is a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors, and has been featured in prominent national media outlets. Dr. Mayfield is on a list of distinguished mental health professionals who were invited to the White House in December 2019. He lives with his family near Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Resources Mentioned:
"The Path Out of Loneliness: Finding and Fostering Connection to God, Ourselves, and One Another" book by Dr. Mark Mayfield
Mayfield Counseling -
American Association of Christian Counselors -

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