Happy Holidays & New Year

3 years ago

Happy Holidays and New Year,

As promised, below are the links to access practices (and more!):

Happy Hips Mini-Practice Series: https://www.jennifereashyoga.com/online_store/happy-hips-mini-series-free-mini-course

Use coupon code HOLIDAY to get half off all store items:

Winter Solstice Flow for Seasonal Balance:

New Podcast! Chat Off The Mat – Season 1 Episode 5: Releasing Energies of The Past Year

On my website, https://www.jennifereashyoga.com/ you can find:
Offerings page: weekly class schedule, workshops, and personalized Yoga, Reiki, and Qigong sessions
Blog page: articles and seasonal newsletters
Store page: Energy practices and new full length practices
Video page: Access to free practice videos
Consider joining my Locals community! It is a private community that I am working to grow, where we can share information uninterrupted! Future plans include live streamed events.

Wishing you Love, Peace, and Joy for this time of year,
Founder, Jennifer Eash Yoga

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